Can Cats Eat Curd? A Complete Guide for Cat Lovers in India

Can Cats Eat Curd

If you are a cat lover or a cat parent in India, you may wonder if Curd is a safe and beneficial addition to your cat’s diet. Curd, also known as yoghurt or dahi, is a fermented dairy product popular in many parts of the world. It is made by adding bacteria to milk, which causes the milk to thicken and turn sour.

Curd is a good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, and it has several health benefits for humans and animals. But can cats eat Curd? And if so, how much and how often? In this article, we will explore whether Curd is suitable for cats, the potential benefits and risks, and how to feed Curd to your cat safely.

Nutritional Benefits of Curd for Cats

Curd can provide some nutritional benefits for cats, such as:

  • Probiotics: Curd contains beneficial probiotics, which are live bacteria supporting a healthy gut flora balance. In some cases, probiotics may help improve a cat’s digestion and gastrointestinal health.
  • Protein: Curd is a source of protein, which is essential for a cat’s overall health and muscle maintenance. Protein also helps to keep your cat’s fur soft and lustrous.
  • Calcium: Curd is a source of calcium, which is essential for your cat’s bone and dental health. Calcium also helps to regulate your cat’s blood pressure and heart function.

Risks and Precautions of Feeding Curd to Cats

Curd is not a necessary part of a cat’s diet, and it may also pose some risks or challenges for some cats, such as:

  • Lactose intolerance: Most adult cats are lactose intolerant, which means they cannot digest the sugar in milk and dairy products. This can cause digestive upset, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, or gas. Some cats may be more sensitive, so monitoring your cat’s reaction to Curd and stopping feeding it if you notice any signs of discomfort is essential.
  • Calories: Curd can be high in calories, especially if it is flavoured or sweetened. This can contribute to weight gain or obesity in cats, leading to other health problems such as arthitis or diabetes in cats. Therefore, Curd should only be fed as an occasional treat and not a regular part of your cat’s diet.
  • Allergies: Some cats may be allergic to dairy products or other ingredients in Curd. This can cause skin irritation, itching, or respiratory problems. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction in your cat after feeding curd, such as swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Best Practices for Feeding Curd to Cats

If you decide to feed Curd to your cat, here are some tips to ensure safe consumption:

  • Choose plain Curd: Avoid flavoured or sweetened Curd, as they may contain artificial colours, preservatives, or sugar that are not good for your cat. Plain Curd is the best option for your cat, as it has fewer additives and calories.
  • Start small: Introduce Curd to your cat gradually and in small amounts. Start with a teaspoon or less and see how your cat reacts. If your cat likes it and shows no signs of digestive upset or allergies, you can increase it slightly over time.
  • Feed in moderation: Curd should not replace your cat’s regular food or exceed 10% of their daily calorie intake. Too much Curd can cause nutritional imbalances or health problems in your cat. A tablespoon or two of Curd per day is enough for most cats.
  • Monitor your cat: Keep an eye on your cat after feeding Curd and watch for any signs of discomfort or adverse reactions. Stop feeding Curd and consult your veterinarian if you notice changes in your cat’s behaviour, appetite, stool, or skin condition.

Variants of Curd for Cats

Different curd products are available in the market, such as homemade Curd, flavoured yoghurt, and plain yoghurt. Are they all safe for cats? Here are some guidelines:

  • Homemade Curd: Homemade Curd is made by adding live cultures to boiled milk and letting it ferment at room temperature. Homemade Curd may have fewer additives and preservatives than store-bought Curd. However, it may also vary in quality and consistency depending on the preparation method. Homemade Curd may be suitable for cats if it is plain and unsweetened.
  • Flavored yoghurt: Flavored yoghurt adds fruits, nuts, honey, or other flavourings to plain yoghurt. Flavoured yoghurt may taste better for humans but is not recommended for cats. Flavoured yoghurt may contain artificial colours, preservatives, or sugar harmful to your cat. Flavoured yoghurt may also be higher in calories and lower in probiotics than plain yoghurt.
  • Plain yoghurt: Plain yoghurt is made by adding live cultures to pasteurized milk and letting it ferment under controlled conditions. Plain yoghurt may have more probiotics and less lactose than Curd as the fermentation process breaks down some sugar in milk. Plain yoghurt may be a better option for cats than Curd, as it may be easier to digest and more beneficial for their gut health.

Answering Common Questions About Cats and Curd

A Beautiful Cat Eating Curd

Here are some common questions and answers related to cats and Curd:

Can cats eat Curd? 

Some cats can eat Curd in small amounts and as an occasional treat. Curd can provide some nutritional benefits for cats, such as protein, calcium, and probiotics. However, Curd is not a necessary part of a cat’s diet and may also cause digestive upset or allergies in some cats. Therefore, feeding Curd to your cat with caution and moderation is essential.

How much Curd can a cat eat? 

The amount of Curd a cat can eat depends on size, health, and individual tolerance. Generally, Curd should not exceed 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake. A tablespoon or two of Curd per day is enough for most cats.

How often can a cat eat Curd?

Curd should not be fed to your cat daily, which can cause nutritional imbalances or health problems. Curd should only be fed as an occasional treat, not a regular part of your cat’s diet. Once or twice a week is enough for most cats.

Is Curd good for cats? 

Curd can benefit some cats, providing nutritional benefits such as protein, calcium, and probiotics. Curd can also help keep your cat’s fur soft and lustrous and help prevent hairballs. However, Curd is not suitable for all cats, as it can also cause digestive upset or allergies in some cats. Therefore, feeding Curd to your cat with caution and moderation is essential.

Is Curd sour for cats? 

Curd can be bad for some cats, as it can cause digestive upset or allergies in some cats. Curd can also be high in calories, especially if it is flavoured or sweetened. This can contribute to weight gain or obesity in cats, leading to other health problems such as diabetes or arthritis. Therefore, feeding Curd to your cat with caution and moderation is essential.

Can cats have Curd?

Some cats can eat Curd in small amounts and as an occasional treat. Curd can provide some nutritional benefits for cats, such as protein, calcium, and probiotics. However, Curd is not a necessary part of a catโ€™s diet and may also cause digestive upset or allergies in some cats. Therefore, feeding Curd to your cat with caution and moderation is essential.

Can cats eat yogurt?

While some cats may tolerate yogurt well, others may not. It’s essential to introduce yogurt to your cat gradually and monitor their reaction. Plain yogurt may be a safer option for cats than flavored or sweetened varieties.

Can cats eat dahi?

Dahi, which is the Indian term for Curd or yogurt, presents the same considerations as mentioned above. Some cats may enjoy dahi without any adverse effects, while others may experience digestive upset. It’s best to offer dahi in small amounts and observe your cat’s response.

Can cats eat homemade Curd?

Homemade Curd, made with minimal additives or sweeteners, may be suitable for some cats in small quantities. However, as with any dairy product, it’s essential to monitor your cat for any signs of lactose intolerance or other adverse reactions.

Can cats eat flavored yogurt?

Flavored yogurt may contain additives, sugars, or artificial ingredients that are not suitable for cats. It’s best to avoid feeding flavored yogurt to cats and opt for plain varieties instead.


Curd is a fermented dairy product popular in many parts of the world. It is a good protein, calcium, and probiotics source and has several health benefits for humans and animals. However, Curd is not a necessary part of a cat’s diet, and it may pose some risks or challenges for some cats.

If you decide to feed Curd to your cat, you should choose plain Curd, start small, feed in moderation, and monitor your cat. You should also consult with your veterinarian before changing your cat’s diet.

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