Black Persian Cat Price in India (2023)

Black Persian Cat Price in India

If you’re a cat lover in India, the mystique and elegance of black Persian cats might have caught your eye. These cats are not only strikingly beautiful but are also among the pricier feline companions you can own. Black Persian cats are highly sought after, especially in the culturally diverse landscape of India.

So, what sets these cats apart, and what should you know about Black Persian Cat price in India, their characteristics, care, and health? Read on to get an in-depth look into the world of black Persian cats.

What Is Black Persian Cat

When it comes to grandeur in the feline world, the black Persian cat holds a significant place. Originating from Iran, formerly known as Persia, these cats found their way to European homes during the 16th century.

Black Persian cats are renowned for their luxurious long and silky coats, round faces, and flattened noses. While Persian cats come in many colours, the black variant exudes an aura of sophistication and mystery.

Their coat is a solid, deep black from the root to the tip of each strand. Their enchanting eyes usually come in shades of copper or deep amber, adding to their mysterious and captivating demeanour.

Like their golden counterparts, black Persian cats are known for their calm and affectionate nature. They are incredibly loyal to their human companions and form strong bonds. They get along well with children and other pets, making them perfect additions to any family.

Their playful yet serene disposition allows them to enjoy both quiet moments and active play. Their keen intelligence enables them to learn a few tricks, making them even more delightful companions.

Black Persian Cat Price In India

So, how much does owning a black Persian cat set you back in India? Prices vary based on several factors, including the breeder’s reputation, pedigree, and location.

As a general rule, prices for black Persian cats range from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 45,000 or more, depending on various factors.

CityPrice Range (INR)
Black Persian Cat Price in Delhi₹10,000 – ₹35,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Mumbai₹9,000 – ₹40,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Kolkata₹7,000 – ₹42,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Bangalore₹8,000 – ₹44,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Hyderabad₹9,000 – ₹38,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Jaipur₹8,000 – ₹39,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Ahmedabad₹7,000 – ₹43,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Chennai₹7,000 – ₹41,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Indore₹7,000 – ₹45,000
Black Persian Cat Price in Chandigarh₹9,000 – ₹37,000

Factors Affecting Black Cat Price In India

Black Persian Cat with full fur
  • Breeder’s Reputation: The reputation of the breeder plays a significant role in determining the cost of a Black Persian cat. Reputable breeders adhere to ethical breeding practices, offering well-cared-for cats that come with necessary documentation like health certificates, lineage papers, and vaccination records. This degree of professionalism and assurance is typically reflected in a higher price point.
  • Cat Quality: Cats can be categorized into ‘show quality’ and ‘pet quality.’ Show-quality Black Persians are generally more expensive due to their perfect coats, symmetry, and conformance to breed standards.
    They are likely to have been raised in superior environments, come from a line of award-winning parents, and exhibit the epitome of Black Persian traits. On the other hand, pet-quality cats may have minor aesthetic imperfections, yet make equally loving pets. Their pricing is usually more moderate as a result.
  • Geographical Location: The cost of living and demand for exotic pets like Black Persians can vary across cities. Metropolitan cities like Delhi or Mumbai generally see higher prices due to increased operational costs for breeders and greater demand. In contrast, prices may be more affordable in smaller cities and towns where demand is less and overheads are lower.

Finding A Reputable Breeder In India

When it comes to finding a reliable source to purchase a Black Persian Cat, diligence is key. Use the same techniques that you’d use when looking for a golden Persian.

  • Seek Recommendations: Start by asking friends, family, or local veterinarians for trusted breeders they may know.
  • Research Online: There are numerous forums, Cat blog, and websites where you can read reviews or seek recommendations.
  • Direct Communication: Always initiate direct communication with potential breeders. Ask pointed questions about their breeding practices, the cats’ living conditions, and lineage.
  • Visit the Premises: If possible, a physical visit to the breeding facility can give you valuable insights into the cats’ health and living conditions.
  • Verify Documentation: Always ask for and verify the essential documentation, such as health records and lineage papers.

Note: Exercise caution when it comes to breeders offering Black Persians at a suspiciously low price. More often than not, these cats come with hidden health issues and may cost you more in long-term veterinary care.

Caring For Your Black Persian Cat

Black Persian Cat laying on the floor

Owning a Black Persian cat is both a privilege and a responsibility. Here’s how to care for your feline friend:

  • Grooming: Black Persians have thick, luxurious coats that require daily grooming. Use a wide-toothed comb or a slicker brush to ensure the fur remains free of tangles and mats. This is not just about maintaining their coat but is also an excellent opportunity for bonding.
  • Feeding: A balanced diet is crucial for your cat’s overall health. Opt for premium cat food that is specifically designed for long-haired breeds, rich in nutrients like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are good for skin and coat health.
  • Exercise: Black Persians are generally not as active as some other breeds, but they do need their share of mental and physical stimulation. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime sessions can keep them engaged and physically fit.
  • Healthcare: While generally robust, Black Persians are prone to some genetic conditions common to the Persian breed, such as Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). Make regular veterinary visits a part of your pet care routine to catch any potential issues early on.

By paying attention to these factors, you can ensure that your Black Persian cat remains a healthy, loving, and integral part of your family.

How to Name a Black Persian Cat

Selecting an appropriate name for your black Persian cat is a significant undertaking, as it will be a defining part of their identity for their entire life. Below are some guidelines and suggestions to aid you in identifying the ideal name for your new feline companion:

  • Personality: Observe your cat’s distinct characteristics to find a name that mirrors their persona.
  • Ease of Use: Choose a name that is straightforward to say and remember.
  • Name Length: Aim for a brief name—ideally with one or two syllables—to make it easily identifiable.
  • Clarity: Steer clear of names that might be mistaken for common commands or that are similar to the names of other family members to avoid any confusion.
  • Observation Period: Take some days to get to know your cat. Quite often, their personality will suggest the ideal name for them.

Black Persian Cat Names – Popular & Nature-Inspired

Black Persian Cat with Yellow Eyes

MidnightPopularThe middle of the nightSuited for cats that are most active at night
ShadowPopularReflection or silhouetteIdeal for a cat that follows you everywhere
EbonyPopularDeep black woodFor a cat with a particularly dark coat
OnyxPopularA black gemstoneGreat for a cat with a glossy, dark coat
LunaPopularThe moonPerfect for a nocturnal or mysterious cat
CocoPopularChocolate or cocoaSuited for a cat with a rich, dark coat
SmokeyPopularHazy or cloudyIdeal for a cat with a grayish undertone to their black coat
PepperPopularBlack spiceFor a feisty, lively cat
VelvetPopularSmooth fabricSuitable for cats with a soft, luxurious coat
JetPopularA form of lignite; ‘jet-black’Apt for a cat with intense black fur
WillowNature-InspiredA type of treeFor a graceful and elegant cat
RavenNature-InspiredA black birdFor a mysterious or intelligent cat
EmberNature-InspiredA glowing piece of coal or woodSuited for a cat with fiery spirit
StormNature-InspiredWeather conditionFor a cat with a dynamic, intense personality
IvyNature-InspiredA type of plantSuited for a resilient and independent cat
SapphireNature-InspiredBlue gemstoneFor a black Persian cat with blue eyes
AshNature-InspiredResidue of fireFor a laid-back, cool cat
NebulaUniqueAn interstellar cloudPerfect for a mysterious and enchanting cat
ZephyrUniqueA gentle windFor a light-footed, agile cat
AzraelUniqueThe Angel of Death in some mythologiesSuited for a mysterious, captivating cat
PandoraUniqueMythological figureFor an inquisitive and curious cat
Luna NoirUniqueBlack Moon in FrenchSuited for a mysterious, nocturnal cat
OberonUniqueKing of the FairiesFor a regal, majestic cat
BellatrixUniqueFemale warriorIdeal for a strong, confident cat
MystiqueUniqueMysterious or magical auraFor a captivating, enigmatic cat
ElectraUniqueSparkling, shiningFor a lively, electrifying cat
OrionUniqueA hunter in Greek mythologyFor a cat with a bold, adventurous spirit

Remember, the most fitting name for your black Persian cat will be one that you personally resonate with. Happy naming!

Black Persian Cat with Blue Eyes

The Black Persian Cat with Blue Eyes is a sight to behold, a rare gem in the world of felines. This breed is the epitome of elegance and grace, with its luxurious black coat that shines like the night sky, and mesmerizing blue eyes that are as deep as the ocean.

The black coat of these Persian cats is a result of a recessive gene, making them a rare find in the feline world. Their fur is long and silky, requiring regular grooming to maintain its lustrous sheen. The colour black in cats has often been associated with mystery and magic, adding to their allure.

What makes these cats even more unique are their captivating blue eyes. This eye colour is not common in adult cats and is usually found in specific breeds or cats with certain coat colours. The combination of a black coat and blue eyes in a Persian cat is extremely rare, making them a prized possession for cat enthusiasts.

These cats are not just about their looks. They are known for their calm and gentle demeanour. They enjoy lounging around and are the perfect lap cats. Their sweet, loving nature makes them wonderful companions.

Owning a Black Persian Cat with Blue Eyes is like having a piece of the night sky at home. Their stunning appearance combined with their endearing personality truly makes them one-of-a-kind.

How rare is Black Persian Cat with Blue Eyes

Black Persian cats with blue eyes are indeed quite unique and rare. Here’s why:

  • Genetics: The gene that codes for the black colour in Persian cats is recessive, meaning it is not easily passed down from generation to generation. Persian cats are already considered a rare breed due to certain genetic mutations and defects.
  • Breeding Difficulty: Breeding Black Persian cats is a complex process that requires careful selection of the breeding pair and a lot of patience. Often, the kittens are born with other colours, making it difficult to produce a litter of black kittens.
  • Popularity: Black Persian cats are not as popular as other cat breeds due to their higher cost and the amount of care they require.
  • Blue Eyes: Blue eye colour in combination with a black coat is rare but does exist. Persian cats can have blue eyes if they have silver, calico, or bicolour coats. However, adult cats with blue eyes aren’t widespread and when it does occur, it is a result of their genetics.

So, a black Persian cat with blue eyes would be an extremely rare and special find!

black Persian cat with Green eyes

Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes

The Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes is a sight to behold, a rare gem in the world of felines. This breed is the epitome of elegance and grace, with its luxurious black coat that shines like the night sky, and mesmerizing green eyes that are as vibrant as an emerald.

The black coat of these Persian cats is a result of a recessive gene, making them a rare find in the feline world. Their fur is long and silky, requiring regular grooming to maintain its lustrous sheen. The colour black in cats has often been associated with mystery and magic, adding to their allure.

What makes these cats even more unique are their captivating green eyes. This eye colour is not common in adult cats and is usually found in specific breeds or cats with certain coat colours. The combination of a black coat and green eyes in a Persian cat is extremely rare, making them a prized possession for cat enthusiasts.

These cats are not just about their looks. They are known for their calm and gentle demeanour. They enjoy lounging around and are the perfect lap cats. Their sweet, loving nature makes them wonderful companions.

Owning a Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes is like having a piece of the night sky at home. Their stunning appearance combined with their endearing personality truly makes them one-of-a-kind.

How rare is Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes?

The Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes is a captivating sight, a blend of mystery and charm. Here’s why they are unique:

  1. Coat Color: The black coat of these Persian cats is a result of a recessive gene, making them a rare find in the feline world. Their fur is long and silky, requiring regular grooming to maintain its lustrous sheen.
  2. Eye Color: Green eyes in cats are not rare. In fact, most black cats have green eyes. These two traits are dependent on the cat’s level of melanin. The more melanin in the cat’s iris, the darker the eyes will be, and the colours can range from lemon yellow to hazel to deep orange or brown.
  3. Breed Specifics: Persian cats frequently have eyes that are copper in hue. Yet, certain Persians are still capable of developing green eyes, particularly the silver and golden variants.
  4. Rarity: Despite the commonality of green eyes in black cats, a Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes is still a unique find due to the specific breed characteristics and the rarity of the black coat in Persian cats.

So, while not extremely rare, a Black Persian Cat with Green Eyes is certainly a special and enchanting sight! 


To sum up, the Black Persian Cat stands out as an opulent and elusive breed, celebrated for its rich, sleek black fur and captivating nature. The Black Persian Cat price in India will vary from ₹7,000 to ₹45,000, influenced by elements like breeder credibility, cat’s age, lineage, and geographical location.

Though the initial investment might appear hefty, one must understand that adopting a pet is a profound, lasting bond that comes with continuous responsibilities like nutrition, grooming, and medical care. As such, aspiring owners must be conscious of these recurrent costs.

Most crucially, prior to buying a Black Persian Cat, comprehensive research and opting for a distinguished breeder is paramount. This decision doesn’t just guarantee a robust pet but also champions responsible breeding. Embracing a Black Persian Cat in your life promises a journey brimming with affection and delightful camaraderie.

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